BGS Map Viewers
Not in Discovery
BGS Map Viewers
Not in Discovery


Provides access to:
Geology of Britain Viewer
A simple tool, aimed at the general public, which helps you explore the geology where you live.

The UK Soil Observatory (UKSO)
A collaboration of institutions providing and delivering information about the diverse soil types of the UK. The UKSO map viewer is free and easy to use, and has some of the most accurate soil data for the UK available.

The groundwater levels timeline map
Provides online access to a timeline of monthly groundwater levels across the UK from 1970 to the present day.

BGS maps portal
Provides high resolution viewing of images of almost all small and medium scale maps produced by BGS since mapping started in 1832.

Open-loop ground source heat pumps
A tool developed by the BGS in collaboration with the Environment Agency that provides an indication of whether the conditions for ground loop systems exist in a given area.

BGS Infiltration SuDS map
Provides an assessment of the suitability of the subsurface for the installation of infiltration sustainable drainage systems (SuDS).

GeoIndex (offshore)
Shows the range of marine geoscience data held by the BGS within the National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC).

GeoIndex (onshore)

Freely available
