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Construction Information Service (Info4Education)
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Construction Information Service (Info4Education)
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Comprehensive full-text database of standards, legislation and books. Covering building, civil and structural engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering, construction management, planning and development. 

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You must register with your Heriot-Watt email address. You will receive an email with an activation code (subject line 'S&P Global Account Activation' from Check your junk mail.

Publications/publishers include:
Architects' Journal (AJ)
British Standards Institution (BSI)
Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB)
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE)
Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE)
Concrete Society (CS)
Construction Industry Publications Ltd (CIP)
UK Government departments
English Heritage (EH)
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) 
Highways Agency (HA)
House of Commons (HOC)
Legislation documents
National House Building Council (NHBC) 
Scottish Executive
Transport Research Laboratory (TRL)
