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A database of UK consumer market research reports and related material with detailed analysis. Provides access to global market data including market size and share via Mintel Market Sizes.
Comprehensive information on companies in the UK and Ireland. You can use it to research individual companies, search for companies with specific profiles and for analysis.
Company financials, in detailed format, with up to 10 years of history
Financial strength indicators
Directors and contacts
Original filings/images as filed at Companies House and the Companies Registration Office in Ireland
Stock data for listed companies
Detailed corporate structures and the corporate family
Shareholders and subsidiaries
Industry research
Adverse filings
Business and company-related news
M&A deals and rumours
Fame covers over 8 million companies in the UK and Ireland
2 million companies in a detailed format
220,000 companies in a summary format
Details of 850,000 companies that are active but not required to file accounts or have yet to file accounts
5 million companies that are no longer active. These are included so you can research patterns in default and confirm previous existence.