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Physics: LaTeX Guides

What is LaTeX

LaTeX is a document mark up system that is widely used for the production of scientific and technical documentation. It is very useful for writers who need to use complex equations in their writing. At some point during your studies you may be asked to write an assignment using LaTeX, or it may be strongly encouraged. 

Information Services does not provide support for LaTeX, so all the resources listed here are external. For more help and guidance with using LaTex, we recommend contacting your School. 

How to get LaTeX

There are a number of freely available LaTeX programmes which you can use on your own computer. 

MiKTeX is available in PC Labs. 

Training Resources

Export records from EndNote X9 to BibTeX

To export your EndNote Library to BibTeX:

  1. Set the style on your library to "BibTeX export"
  2. Go to ‘File’ at the top left of the screen, then ‘Export’. Make sure the "save as type" box is set to "text file", and the "output style" is "BibTeX export".