Updated daily, BSOL is the most complete collection of current, draft and withdrawn British Standards available anywhere.
BSOL includes all British standards and international and European standards that have been adopted as British standards (e.g. Eurocodes, OHSAS).
Note: this is searched by Discovery. However, if you know you are looking for standards it is quicker to search BSOL directly.
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Alternative login route: Use https://www.ebsco.com/ then click on Person Icon, then Find your organization. Type Heriot Watt and select campus. Click on choose databases and choose Business Source Premier.
A business research database providing full text for 2,300 journals. Also contains some market research reports, company and industry reports and SWOT analyses.
EDITED is the industry standard tool used by fashion retailers to help get pricing and product right, see products launched, sell out, replenishment, price change data and more. Includes market analytics, retail reports, visual merchandising, runway reports and runway collections.
Alternative login route: Use https://www.mintel.com/ then click "LOGIN" on the home page and then "Need federated login?"
A database of UK consumer market research reports and related material with detailed analysis. Provides access to global market data including market size and share via Mintel Market Sizes.
Access to UK and international newspapers and trade press, with foreign language news sources in over 26 languages including full text access to The Financial Times (with a 30 day embargo).
Textile Technology Complete coverage is both domestic and international. It includes major resources from the scientific community covering the apparel, home furnishings, flooring and polymer industries.
A lot of Textile journal tiles are indexed in Scopus. If you've been searching round the houses but haven't found the articles you know are out there, please give Scopus a go...
Alternative login route: Use https://www.scopus.com/home.uri then login via the "Institution" icon on the home page, then "Check access" and then sign in via institutional access.
Scopus is one of the leading databases of peer-reviewed citations and abstracts, covering 21,000 titles from 5,000 publishers in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
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