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EGIS Resource Centre: Home

A guide to services and resources available from the EGIS Resource Centre


The EGIS Resource Centre is located on the top floor of the Edwin Chadwick building, EC2.05 - EC2.06 and provides:

  • Informal study areas for private study and group work.
  • 50 pcs.
  • Specialist software.
  • MFD for printing, scanning and photocopying.

Please note, the Resource Centre has a small print reference collection.  To search the full print and online books/journals available to you, please see:


Opening Hours

Open Monday - Friday    07:00 - 18:00
Out of hours access *    Monday - Friday    18:00 - 22:00
   Saturday - Sunday    07:00 - 22:00

* Out of hours access

If you are planning to use the Resource Centre outwith regular opening hours you must notify EGIS staff to get your student card activated.

You must also notify Safeguarding Services. You can do this via the Safezone app, or call 0131 451 3500 and indicate your name, location and your requirement to work / study outside normal hours.

There is NO ACCESS at the following times:

  • All days 22:00 - 07:00
  • All University recognised public holidays (buildings closed days)

SafeGuarding / SafeZone

SafeZone provides a direct connection to the HWU Security Services team should you require help or assistance:

  • Get help or first aid in an emergency.
  • Call Security for general non-emergency enquiries.
  • Receive emergency notifications and guidance during critical incidents.
  • When lone working out-of-business hours on campus, SafeZone must be used in order to “check-in” with Security staff to enhance your personal safety.
Safeguarding links:

Off-campus access to EGIS software

For off campus access to EGIS software - please use:

Other study spaces

The University offers a wide variety of great places to study, see:

Locked cabinets

If you require anything from the locked cabinets, please contact EGIS staff.  Please note, you have online access to the following:

CIBSE, CIOB, CIRIA, BRE, RIBA and various other publishers, via:

SPON's price books, via: