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Where to save your Library

You should always save your EndNote Library to your local directory and NOT to cloud storage e.g. your OneDrive.  See:

There have been instances of EndNote Library corruption/loss of data when EndNote libraries are saved to OneDrive/cloud storage.

If you need to use your EndNote Library on more than one device or share your references/library with colleagues/friends, then you can do this by syncing with EndNote 21 (online): See:

We recommend EndNote 21 (desktop) is your 'main' library and the online version is used for syncing, for sharing references/libraries, to use on a tablet or as a backup library.

How to get references in to your Library

The main ways to get references into your EndNote library are:

  • Exporting the bibliographic details from a databases (e.g. Discovery, Scopus, Web of Science etc).  Look out for the EndNote or RIS export option
  • Importing PDF files (which will work if the text is OCR)
  • Typing or copy/pasting the bibliographic details in (if the above two methods are not  applicable e.g. a website)

For instructions on how to get references in to your library, see:

How to organise your EndNote Library

Regardless of how you get your references into your EndNote Library, it is important that you check your references in your library.  Look out for:

  • spelling mistakes, bibliographic details in the wrong field, transposed names, unwanted abbreviations, missing details etc

Any mistakes in EndNote will mean a mistake in your Word document.  If you do notice a mistake, make the correction in your EndNote Library NOT in your Word document.

You can also organise your references into 'groups'.  See:

*New* for EndNote 21, you can also use the 'tagging' feature:

  • Tags are customisable labels that let you organize your references however you'd like.
  • You can add tags to references and customise the colour and name of the tags. 
  • You can add multiple tags to a reference and anyone who you share your library with can view a tag, making tags a great way to quickly and intuitively organise your references.