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Training guide provided by Heriot-Watt

EndNote classes and class materials

For classes see:

For slides used in classes, see:

Training and guides provided by Clarivate Analytics

Videos provided by Clarivate Analytics

How to Use EndNote 21 in 7 Minutes: Windows:

How to Use EndNote 21 in 7 Minutes: MacOS:

See also:

EndNote – separate reference lists at end of each section

This video shows you how to split up your references so that you have a separate list at the of each section of your document, e.g. separate lists for different chapters.

Where can I get help using EndNote Basic/Online

EndNote (desktop) is a better reference management tool than EndNote Basic/Online, with many additional features available in the desktop version.  As of academic year 2019/20, Library staff will be focusing on promoting and teaching EndNote (desktop), which we recommend you use as your 'main' EndNote Library, only using the Online Library to 'sync', see:

Staff at Dubai are still teaching EndNote Basic/Online, and can be contacted for help/advice:

Where can I get help using EndNote 21?

For installation help, contact the IT HelpDesk.

For help setting up and using EndNote, see our Training Materials section, or you may prefer to sign up to one of our EndNote classes, which we deliver regularly throughout the year as part of the Skills Hub programme. 

If you have a specific question, or if wish to arrange a class for a group of staff/students, please contact your Academic Librarian.