The following resources all contain industry-standard contracts information, guidance and templates. Note: none of these resources are searched by Discovery.
JCT contracts
JCT 2011 and 2005 compared
JCT Design and Build Contract
JCT Minor Works Contract
JCT Standard Building Contract
JCT Standard Building Subcontract
Non-standard bespoke forms of contract
PPC 2000 and TPC 2005
Scottish construction contracts
Standard forms of contract and amendments
What type of contract do I need?
Access information There is a current known problem with off-campus access, which we are trying to resolve. On campus access is working.
This resource is NOT searched by Discovery.
Comprehensive full-text database of standards, legislation and books. Covering building, civil and structural engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering, construction management, planning and development.
Not searched by Discovery.
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Publications/publishers include:
Architects' Journal (AJ)
British Standards Institution (BSI)
Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB)
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE)
Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE)
Concrete Society (CS)
Construction Industry Publications Ltd (CIP)
UK Government departments
English Heritage (EH)
Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
Highways Agency (HA)
House of Commons (HOC)
Legislation documents
National House Building Council (NHBC)
Scottish Executive
Transport Research Laboratory (TRL)
JCT Standard Building Contract with Quantities (SBC/Q)
Provides industry-standard specifications, contracts, building product and construction knowledge tools. Plus a wide range of industry relevant articles, including: BIM design and specification, construction products, contracts and law, standards and regulations, sustainability and health and safety.
Not searched by Discovery.
The construction industry is a very broad field, and it can be difficult to keep in touch with everything you need to know. The NBS Resources section brings together a wide range of information, from reading lists and a library of specially-written articles, to a directory of industry organisations and one of the largest collections of construction-specific recommended links available.
NBS is useful for everyone involved in the design, supply and construction of the built environment e.g. architecture, building services engineering, construction and structural engineering.
Subject Coverage:
Building services and technologies, Contracts and law, Design and specification, Health and safety, Practice management, Regulations and standards, Sustainability
Journal articles (trade and magazine), News and newspapers
The NEC series of books is authored by NEC experts well versed in using NEC in industry. The books within the series explain how NEC can be used to optimum benefit in everyday environments.
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